

I am writing to share their satisfaction with the 4 days rafting on Tara. The feeling of the river was great guides – professional and committed. I can safely say that even for me it is clear that our whole group and as an organization, equipment and safety was much ahead of the other boats[…]


Many thanks for your tolerant attitude! You are awesome ! Nice day! :)


I would like to thank you on behalf of our entire team for the great attitude and professionalism that showed our event on Friday! We hope to have the opportunity again to work together in future cases.

Yana Damianova

Born: 12.08.1986; Education: Eng. Computer Systems and Technologies; Qualifiers: lifeguard, course completion for rafting guides about IRF, kayaking course in swift water BKO; Experience: 1 year sport rafting, rafting instructor since 2011; Interests: white water kayaking, rafting, swimming, rock climbing, trekking, biking, skiing;

Ivan Hindalov – Hindala

Born: 10.12.1989; Education: Canoe-kayak trainer, National Sports Academy; Qualification: rafting instructor, paddler in dragon boats, sports kayaker; Experience: rafting instructor since 2016; Interests: kayak, rafting, motor sports, water motor sports;

Dimitur Angelov Stoyanov

Born: 15.04.1988; Qualification: rafting instructor; Education: Civil engineer; Experience: rafting instructor since 2017; Interests: trekking, climbing, rock climbing, rafting, snowboarding;

Vladimir Gergov

Born: 19.05.1982; Education: Machine engineer, Technical University -Sofia; Qualification: photographer; Experience: photography since 2009, snowboarding since 2006; Interests: snow, mountains, free ride, photography;

Ivan Dobrev

Born: 16.12.1977; Education: Flotation, MGU; Qualification: professional photographer in extreme sports, white water rescue; Experience: photographer since 2009, white water kayaker since 2009, sea kayaking since 2006; Interests: rock climbing, biking, kayak, photography;


My first successful (not falling in the water) rafting;) Although Winky saving you is one thrilling experience too;) Thank you, Sashe and Joro! The experience was great!

Kristian Ivanov

Born:11.10.2006 Education: student Experience: since 2023 Hobbies: rafting, fitness, ski