
Rafting on Arda river – 1st day video

On these rainy days, you can watch others get wet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQn0xt2hpJw This is a movie from the first day of the descent along the Arda River, to the extremely beautiful Devil’s Bridge. And, for those who do not bother to get wet – this weekend we are back there, the river offers us a great[…]

April 19, 2021

Great Arda River this weekend

Our team was on the Arda River last weekend and she welcomed us with a great level and sun. The nights were cold, with some of the participants choosing the cozy night in a guesthouse, and the tough ones chose sleeping on tents on the attractive Devil’s Bridge. Our next dates for Rafting on Arda[…]

April 12, 2021

Rafting season Struma’21 opened

The rafting season on Struma and Iskar Rivers is opened. The official opening on Struma river was with wide media coverage. Here you can see part of it: Екстремен адреналин: Откриха рафтинг сезона на река Струма – bTV Новините (btvnovinite.bg) The rafting trips are every day, the slots in the weekends in April are 10.30[…]

April 5, 2021

22-24th of May – Kayaking in the Rhodopes

For the holidays in May we are kayaking on the Rhodope lakes – every day on a different lake. We will make a tour on the following lakes: Golyam Beglik, Shiroka Polyana and Dospat. Usually the nights are in tents, but in May it will be cooler, so we recommend arranging an overnight stay in[…]

April 1, 2021

Discount with Multisport cards

Rafting BG starts working with с #BenefitSystemsBulgaria All owners of active Multisport and Multisport kids cards use the following discounts and activities: – 20% DISCOUNT from regular price for rafting on Struma river – https://rafting.bg/en/rafting-on-struma-river/ – 10% DISCOUNT from the regular price for rafting on Iskar River – https://rafting.bg/en/rafting-on-iskar/ – zipline or rope garden with[…]

March 29, 2021

Delay of rafting season opening

Unfortunately, due to the restrictions in the country until March 31st, we need to postpone the official opening of rafting season 2021. The date on which we will officially open it is April 3, 2021. (Saturday). The day after we open the rafting season on the Struma River, which will be on the same day[…]

March 25, 2021

10th-11th of April we are on Arda

In the weekend 10th-11th of April we will do rafting on Arda river. It’s level is not permanent, Arda is a river with character, which we need to have in mind. This makes it interesting and hunted by the fans of adrenaline and extreme sports. The rafting takes 2 days, and we pass about 50km[…]

March 22, 2021

Promo – 6 for 5 – Iskar

Promotion for 6 people for the price of 5 for rafting on Iskar River. Rafting season on Iskar River starts in the beginning of April, and we have prepared one promotion on good price for group of friends, who want to do rafting on Iskar River. Details you can see here: https://rafting.bg/en/rafting-promo-iskar-6-for-5/

March 18, 2021

Polish kayakers on Struma river

This week our club was visited by a group of polish kayakers, who started a kayak safari in Europe, and they wanted to see our beautiful rivers. Obviously impressed by Struma river, they did 2 kayak trips in one day. In their plan was to kayak on Sandanska, Chepinska, Chaya, Rilska and Arda rivers, but[…]

March 15, 2021

Rafting with friends

And when you are with friends in the raft and fall out of the boat. Definitely take someone with you, not to be by yourself;) Here is one promotion for group of friends: https://rafting.bg/en/rafting-promo-6-for-5/

March 11, 2021