
20th of March – Opening of the kayak season

Opening of the kayak season 2021 on the 20th of March, on Pchelina lake. After the long home stay and lack of activities, we invite you to one day kayak tour on Pchelina lake. We provide single, double and triple kayaks, just need to confirm the type when making the reservation. Details: https://rafting.bg/en/one-day-kayaking-in-a-lake/

January 25, 2021

Rafting BG takes part in the cleaning of the trash near Svoge

The flood of Iskar River collected all the trash, thrown on the banks of the river and collected them near the hydro plant near Svoge. The cleaning of the trash started, but the low temperatures in the recent days led to the freeze of the trash island. This made the help of Rafting BG needed[…]

January 21, 2021

Flood on Struma river

Struma river is like our mother, but sometimes shows as a step mother. In the recent days there were heavy rains, warm weather, which lead to snow melting and combined with release of the dams, the river flooded the area near it. This disaster happened in Tuesday – 12th of January, and the rafting centre,[…]

January 14, 2021

Calendar for 2021

We have one interesting year ahead of us. After the long stay at home, we are eager to go out in the nature. Here are the planned trips, tours, activities for this year: DATE ACTIVITY DETAILS 20th of March One day kayaking on a lake https://rafting.bg/en/one-day-kayaking-in-a-lake/ 27th of March OPENING of rafting season on Struma[…]

January 11, 2021

Happy Ivanovden

Happy Ivanovden to all, who celebrate it today, and they are many! Health, happiness and adventures in the new year. 8 days have left to the end of the promotion for gift vouchers for Rafting on Struma River and other activities. The ideal gift for each holiday – Give an emotion and happy moments to[…]

January 7, 2021

Snowstorm on Vitosha

After the heavy Christmas and new years feats, the desire for a walk in the mountains was a lot, and on other hand we cannot practice now our favorite sports: rafting and kayaking. So part of Rafting BG made a hike towards Cherni vrah. No matter the snow storm that was up in the mountains,[…]

January 4, 2021

Happy Holidays from Rafting BG

Rafting BG wishes you happy holidays and a happy new year. We wish you the new 2021 to be better than 2020, and many many adventures and trips. Here you can see different rafting and kayak adventures: Rafting – Rafting BG Kayaking in Greece – Rafting BG Kayaking in Bulgaria – Rafting BG For more[…]

December 31, 2020

10% discount for 2 vouchers

In these times of isolation and long stay at home, the ideal gift for you friends and family is a voucher for outside activity. We offer you different options for activities – rafting on Struma or Iskar River, one day kayaking on a lake or a multiple day rafting trip or a kayak adventure. 10%[…]

December 1, 2020

4 days with kayaks on Danube river

We had a great 4 day kayak trip on Danube River. The river level was very high, because of the rains in Europe, which gave us the opportunity to kayak with a high speed down the river. This made us look for camp places on different places, than the usual sandy beaches on the islands,[…]

October 28, 2020

Rafting BG on Channel 1

Here you can see the short movie for the rafting on Struma River, filmed on the rafting centre:https://bnt.bg/news/na-rafting-po-reka-struma-v270580-282284news.html

September 16, 2020

Sea kayak regatta

On the 6th of September 2020 was held the first sea kayak regatta ‘Georgi Demirev’ in Tsarevo area. From  more than 20 participants, the winner is Ivan Hindalov, competitor and coach in CSKA kayak team, and rafting instructor in Rafting BG. Congratulation, Ivan, and many more kayak and rafting awards!

September 8, 2020